My Story

Hey babe!

I started my lash journey in 2018 and in 4 short months I was booked! I paid for myself to take a private course with Leena from Lash Makers in Miami. The appointments kept coming in! I remained booked and continued my education gaining and KEEPING clients closing my books to new clients only 1.5 years into my career. Fast forward 3 years I still rarely take new clients. I now have 4 certificates in lashing and styling along with 6 business and brand courses that guides me through my ever evolving lash career. I now want to help you by training you MY WAY OF LASHING. The way that has kept me BOOKED 4 months into lashing to 4 years now a lash artist & salon owner. 

For only $280 you can go through MY WAY OF THE LASHING PROCESS. I promise I have something incredible to teach you. 


Lash Meka Owner

When going forward to book our online course, remember we are here for you! If you need a demonstration or just a little extra guidance in person, 1:1 meet ups are available at no extra cost! Booking in-person model training, we will guide you step by step everything in the lashing process so you'll be confidently on your way to lashing like a pro! You must be a licensed beauty professional in order to perform lashes on the paying client in the state of Hawaii.

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